Our Vision

Team Tutsham's door is open to children from a variety of backgrounds. We endeavour to be available for all children who would like to use our facilities. 

We believe that by working with horses at Team Tutsham Charitable Trust, children get a great opportunity to develop a variety of skills such as: 

  • Working as a team
  • Socialising with others
  • Develop personal responsibility
  • Growth in strength and physical fitness
  • Develop an understanding of country life
  • Open themselves up to further education
    within equine and agricultural courses
  • Become more independant
  • Feeling of inclusion and responsibility
  • Gain accredited qualifications with our ASDAN courses

Whilst the children are with us we encourage them to groom, ride and be part of the daily care of our horses. Much of the time is spent in the outdoors and for many children this is a rare chance to truly experience the Kent countryside.

Stepping outside of their normal lives they also have the opportunity to make friends with children from different backgrounds, learn to work as a team and with Team Tutshams guidance, understand the importance of supporting each other for the overall benefit of the horses and other animals.

We have seen a profoundly positive effect on children who have worked with us; growth in their self-esteem, they become more independent, autonomous and more confident individuals and we are proud to be a part of this.

We endeavour to be a fun, friendly, professional and most of all welcoming environment for children (and their parents or carers). If you would like to learn more about how Team Tutsham can benefit your child please Contact Us, or pop along to our Saturday Saddle Club. We are members of the Association of British Riding Schools.


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